Best Sources of Protein to Lose Weight

The Best Sources of Protein to Help You Lose Weight

What Are Some Sources of Protein to Lose Weight?

We have all heard that to build more lean muscle, maintain energy throughout the day and to feel full longer that you should include enough protein in your diet. However, it is difficult to ensure that you are getting enough protein without first knowing what the best sources of protein to lose weight are, and exactly how much protein those sources contain.

You might have heard things like this before: “Quinoa is the best source of protein!” or “I eat almonds or peanut butter to make sure I’ve had enough protein everyday,” etc. While these tips can help, it is first important to know how much protein you should be eating, and then exactly how much is actually in the foods you are choosing.

Here is a very simple formula you can follow, along with a list of the highest sources of protein to lose weight to the rescue.

To increase muscle mass and reduce body fat, you should be consuming about 1 gram of protein per 1lb of your lean body mass, especially when you are weight training. So, if you are 150 lbs and have 20% body fat (30lbs), you should consume 120 grams of sources of protein to lose weight per day.

You should also consider having 5-6 smaller meals per day. To make things easy for you, just divide your needed protein between the different meals and sources of protein evenly to come up with a ballpark of how much protein you should consume per meal. So if your protein intake should be 150 grams per day spread across five meals, you should aim to consume about 30 grams per meal from all sources of protein.

These numbers are probably pretty high for most of us, especially if you are not accustomed to focusing on your amount and sources of protein in this way. To achieve your goal consistently without overeating, you will need to focus on protein-packed, low calorie foods. Remember that you can always supplement with high quality protein powders couple of times a day if needed.

It can be a challenging change to make sure you are getting enough sources of protein to lose weight in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it, this way of eating will completely transform how you look and feel!

Whey Protein: 20 grams/100 Calories

Whey Protein

Chicken Breast: 20 grams/100 Calories

Tilapia: 20 grams/100 Calories

Canned Tuna: 20 grams/100 Calories

Lean Sirloin Steak: 17 grams/100 Calories

Cottage Cheese: 13 grams/100 Calories

Cottage Cheese

Non-fat Greek Yogurt: 12 grams/100 Calories

Whole Eggs: 10 grams/100 Calories

Tofu: 10 grams/100 Calories


Skim Milk: 9 grams/100 Calories

Lentils: 8 grams/100 Calories

Refried Beans: 7 grams/100 Calories

Refried Beans

Cheddar: 6 grams/100 Calories

Peanut Butter: 4 grams/100 Calories

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